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Heidi St. John Interviews Kent Darcie: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay – a look at holidays and other events.
Kent and Heidi St John explore some of the challenges holidays and other events can create for adults with divorced […]

I Can’t Wait for This Season to be Over!
Countless times I’ve heard people say, “just waiting for Christmas to be done,” “can’t wait for this season to be […]

ADP 046 Finding Thanks-giving in the Hurts
Kent Darcie shares some of his story to help other adults with divorced parents find the thanks-giving blessings in their […]

Have You “Un-remembered” the Wrong Memories from Your Childhood?
After deciding she wanted to deal with the challenges of her parents’ divorce. Lisa Lickona, in her article “The ‘Homelessness’ […]

ADP 045 Are Situationships Good for Women?
Kent discusses the latest relationship craze and it’s implications for adults with divorced parents.

How Does Parental Divorce Affect Us?
Paul Banas from interviews Kent Darcie on how our parents’ divorce can impact us after we’re grown and how […]

ADP 044 How Does Parental Divorce Affect Us?
Paul Banas from interviews Kent on how our parents’ divorce can impact us after we’re grown and how to […]

Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast
Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]

ADP 043 Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast
Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]

They Can be Mad and Hurt, but Still Love You
How does that title resonate with you? Agree? Disagree? Not sure? For adults with divorced parents, this statement can mean […]

ADP 042 Emotional Healing for Those Touched by Abortion: Interview with Stephanie Rienhart
Kent interviews the director of an abortion recovery program. Together they explore the unseen emotional impact of abortion, and share […]

Faith That Crushes the Fear of Rejection – A Sunday Snippet
John the disciple tells of an incident involving a blind man Jesus heals. It’s an interesting look at the dynamics […]

ADP 041 Kent Interviews Journalist Kate Spicer. A Look at Parental Divorce from the Inside
Kent interviews internationally recognized, Kate Spicer, regarding her article “I’m Unmarried and Childless at 54.” The lively and frank discussion […]

ADP 040 What do Adult Children of Divorce and Adult Children of Alcoholics have in common?
In this podcast, Kent discusses some similar challenges ACD and ACOA face, why, and what can be done.

ADP 039 Overcoming Struggles with Mother’s Day Cards
Mother’s Day can be challenging for adults with divorced parents. In this podcast Kent looks at tough questions like, “what […]

ADP 038 How Divorce Can Affect Daughters
Kent reviews Kate Spicer article and supporting research on how Father Hunger can affect daughters and how to overcome the […]

Importance of Reviewing Boundaries
Did your Boundary work? In the last of this boundary series, Kent Darcie discusses the importance of reviewing the effectiveness […]

Enforcing Boundaries with Divorced Parents
Enforcing boundaries can be hard. Kent discusses how to approach this challenge in the 5th on this series on boundaries.

Communicating Boundaries with Divorced Parents
In the 4th of this Boundary series, counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses the importance of communicating boundaries.

Creating a Boundary
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses the basics for creating a boundary. Part 3 in this series on Holiday Boundaries […]

ADP 037 Why is Christmas important?
Paul Harvey: A Christmas Story Kent shares a classic Paul Harvey story that illustrates in very simple terms why the […]

ADP 036 Navigating Holidays with Divorced Parents-Interview
Holidays can feel like they’re more hassle than they’re worth, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Leslie Nunnery […]

How to Stop Having Crazy Holidays
It’s possible to enjoy holidays when divorced parents are in the mix. Therapist and author Kent Darcie shares how boundaries […]

ADP 035 Holiday Boundaries with Divorced Parents
Kent discusses what boundaries are, why they may be needed with divorced parents, and ways to apply them.

So It’s Time to Divorce
Marriage is hard, but you never thought it would be this hard. One day the lightbulb goes off. “Now I […]

It’s Ok NOT to be OK!
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses how parental divorce can create situations that mess with our brains. The problem is […]

One Reason Adults with Divorced Parents Keep Secrets
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses how children of divorce’s need to keep secrets in childhood can lead to keeping […]

The Anger Monster
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses the importance of addressing anger in adults with divorced parents

ADP 034 Kent interview with Leslie Nunnery
Leslie Nunnery of the Teach Them Diligently homeschool organization interviews Kent on issues that can affect adults with divorced parents.

Overcoming the Fear of Doom
“Part of me is always waiting for disaster to strike. Some terrible loss will change my life, and it only […]

ACD 033 When “I’m Sorry” Never Comes
Kent looks at our desire for apologies and dealing with their absence.

Premarital Sex Increases Likelihood of Divorce, But Why?
Because research shows children of divorce have sex earlier and with more partners, when I read, “Having between one and […]

What’s in a Name?
For people with divorced parents, everything! There’s a lot of talk about 4-letter words, but in the parental-divorce world, two […]

ACD 032 Where Was God?
Kent explores this, often unspoken, question that adults with divorced parents can wrestle with.

Revolutionary Way to Help Your Kids Survive the Divorce Process
The first week of January is annually the highest divorce filing and inquiry week of the year. 20% of those […]

Helping Adults with Divorced Parents Overcome Sadness at Christmastime
This episode of 2 Minutes of Counseling for Adults with Divorced Parents looks at ways to overcome sadness at Christmastime. […]

ACD 031 Overcoming Sadness at Christmastime
Kent looks at what can cause holiday blues and how to overcome them.

Putting the Thanks-giving into Thanksgiving (for Your Sanity)
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy” James […]

ACD 030 Talking to Our Divorced Parents
Kent shares a tool for better communication with our divorced parents.

Getting the Backstory…and healing Part 3: The Pillars of Healing
My father was an adult child of divorce. His father had divorced parents, as did his grandfather. I was well […]

Getting the Backstory…and Healing Part 2: Talking with Our Parents
In Part 1, I reviewed how empathetic listening can help improve conversations and our healing. This type of listening encourages […]

Getting the Backstory…and Healing: Part 1 – Empathetic Listening.
Adults with divorced parents can have lots of unanswered questions. I’ve found ACD are often reluctant to ask them due […]

Five Ways to Supporting Stepfamilies
The first way of supporting stepfamilies is realizing they are complex. The more parties are involved, the more complex. But […]

“I’m Committed That We’re Not Going to Divorce”
I’ve heard this and similar statements frequently—most often from adults with divorced parents. However, while the spouse in counseling with […]

ACD 029 Two Secrets for a Healthy Marriage
Kent shares secrets from a couple who just passed 76 years of marriage.

Two Secrets for a Lasting Marriage
It’s no secret that adults with divorced parents have trouble staying married. Many succeed. Many don’t. But past president Jimmy […]

Did you Find the Right Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Card?
Every year 100+ million Mother’s Day cards are sent—72 million for Fathers. For many, it’s a fun and sentimental task. […]

ACD 028 Ethical Non-monogamy?
Kent explores temptations that vulnerable ACD can experience through the lens of what works and what doesn’t.

Helping Teens Navigate Parental Divorce
I’m often asked for tools to help someone’s teens deal with their divorce. I just stumbled across a solid resource […]

The Life-Giving Wounds Ministry
Life-Giving Wounds is a ministry that provides workshops, weekend retreats, ACD support groups, and other resources for adults with divorced […]

Visitation Ended but the Loss Continued
Suddenly, I was at the top of the stairs watching my father leave. That scene repeated every time my father […]

Is Happy the Standard for Marriage?
In my world of divorce research a lot of celebrity articles come up….which I ignore. On rare occasion I’ll address […]

Overcoming the Disappointment Gap
The disappointment gap is the distance between our expectation and reality. For example, Covid invaded our home 2 days before […]

Three Steps for ACD to Stop Hating Christmas
It’s the most wonderful time……of the year…….. Is it? Mom insists that you have Christmas dinner in the afternoon—which just […]

What do Husbands Want?
In my last blog I noted that one of the challenges husbands with divorced parents experience in marriage is separating […]

What do Wives Want?
Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology, lamented, “The great question that has never been answered, and which I have […]

Reflections on my Dad’s Funeral
My father’s memorial service has passed. It was a wonderful time of honoring him and God. He was a Christian, […]

ACD 026 Thoughts on my Dad's Funeral
Kent looks at some of the unique challenges adults with divorced parents can face when their parents die.

When Divorced Parents Die — Questions
Ten years ago my mother passed. Five years ago my first stepmother passed. Weeks ago my father passed. Due to […]

Are We as Obedient as the Demons? – A Sunday Snippet
I’m reading “A Year with Jesus”1 which includes daily reflections on Jesus’ words, life, and impact. The author reviewed Matthew […]

Gates Puts Gray Divorce Back in the Spotlight
If you haven’t heard, Bill and Melinda Gates are divorcing after 27 years (34 as a couple1). Not familiar with […]

Celebrating our 25th Podcast!
Our 25th podcast is uploaded! This program dealt with helping adults with divorced parents move from being hope-less to hope-full. […]

ACD 25 Hope-less vs. Hope-full
Kent discussed how ACD can move from a hope-less attitude about relationships, life, and other areas to one that is […]

ACD 024 ACD's Forgiveness and Boundaries
Kent conducts an overview of ACD’s struggles with Forgiveness and Boundaries

ACD 023 ACD's Need to Grieve
Kent explores the losses ACD can incur and why they need to grieve them.

ACD 022 ACD: Avoiding the Divorce Cycle
Kent discusses why ACD tend to divorce at much higher rates and steps that can help them avoid divorce.

ACD 21 ACD: Soothing Their Pain
Kent reviews how the “harmless” activities of adults with divorced parents can sometimes have roots in unresolved pain.

The Peace of a Million Dollars vs. A Peace-Filled Holiday
You find out that one million dollars is deposited into your account. What would you do? Pay off your debts? […]

ACD 20 Fear of Abandonment
Kent looks at ways the fear of abandonment can impact adults with divorced parents.

ACD 019 Fear of Conflict
Kent discusses how the fear of conflict can affect adults with divorced parents.

ACD 018 Navigating Divorced Parent's Worlds
Kent discusses the challenges of trying to adapt to Dad and Mom’s different lifestyles, rules, beliefs, and more.

ACD 017 ACD Issues Overview 2
This is the first of a ten-part series where Kent discusses additional issues that impact adults with divorced parents.

“Home Will Never Be the Same Again”—A Gray Divorce Book Review
“There is no ‘them’ anymore.” Heartfelt words spoken by a man whose parents divorced after he’d become an adult. Gray […]

Choose a Better Path Promo Video Cast
One year ago we filmed the promo video for my book, Choose a Better Path: Overcoming the Impact of Your […]

ACD 016 Gray Divorce Overview
Kent discusses the major issues that impact adults who are adults when their parents divorce.

Second Highest Season for Divorce is Here
January is #1 for inquiries and filings, but according to a University of Washington study, August is second.* With Covid, […]

The GIFT in Anger
Unresolved anger is often tops the lists of issues that affect adults with divorced parents. While anger is rarely considered […]

The Loyalty Challenge: Who Do You Love More?
The good news is a growing number of articles and resources are helping parents divorce in ways that minimize the […]

Forgiveness: Scooping up the Poop
Dog walkers in my area carry bags for the poop. Basically, they’re picking up someone’s mess. Granted, there’s some involuntariness […]

ACD 015 Father Hunger and Maleness
Kent discusses the challenge some guys have with answering a key question, “Am I a real man?” when they lose […]

Father Hunger and the Search for Manhood
“Father hunger is a deep, persistent desire for emotional connection with the father that is experienced by all children.” I […]

ACD 014 Interview w/Chris Martin
Kent Darcie interviews Chris Martin about her book, “10 Things I Wish I Knew Before My Parents Divorced and Remarried.”

Divorce: A Preventable Pandemic?
If you haven’t heard, divorce is “soaring” in China and Covid is the reported culprit. Most news stories are sourcing […]

Kent Darcie Interview on Choose a Better Path: Overcoming the Impact of Your Parents’ Divorce book
In this video, Kent Darcie answers questions about the impact of parental divorce on the kids when they grow up, […]

An Overview of Gray Divorce
Kent Darcie (Adult Children of Divorce Ministries) gives a brief overview of Gray Divorce and it’s impact on the adult […]

LAT: A Temptation for ACD?
Living Apart Together (LAT) may sound attractive, but Kent Darcie discusses the pros and cons for adults with divorced parents. […]

ACD 012 Reclaiming Christmas
In this program Kent shares a couple of Christmas stories and offers hope for adult children of divorce, because this […]

ACD 011 Do Divorced Parents Care?
Kent discusses the reality that often is lost in the hurts, offenses, and misunderstandings parental divorce can create.

Between Two Worlds The Spiritual Lives of Children of Divorce
Elizabeth Marquardt explores the inconsistencies children of divorce experience and the lingering impact on them as adults.

Voice of the Child of Divorce
Monica Epperson summarizes the feelings of her story and the feelings of children experiencing their parents’ divorce.

New Book! Choose a Better Path: Overcoming the Impact of Your Parents’ Divorce Book
This video overviews the powerful new book that can help adults with divorced parents overcome the lingering impact of their […]

New Podcast Series on ACD Issues
A ten-part series of programs that give an overview of common issues that impact adults with divorced parents are now […]

ACD 010 Questions ACD ask (or are afraid to)
In this last program in this 10 part series Kent answers questions he receives from adults with divorced parents.

ACD 009 – Setting healthy boundaries with divorced parents
Kent Darcie discusses the challenges of boundaries with divorced parents and reviews necessary components of healthy boundaries.

ACD 008 – ACD's and Forgiveness Pt 2
Kent Darcie discusses some of the myths of forgiveness and explores what forgiveness looks like for those with divorced parents.

Hope4ACD PC 007 – ACD's and Forgiveness Pt 1
Kent Darcie discusses the struggles adults with divorced parents can have with forgiveness.

ACD 006 – The ACD's Struggle with Anxiety
Kent discusses some surprising connections between parental divorce and anxiety in the lives of ACDs.

ACD 005 – ACD's and Father Hunger
Kent discusses Father Hunger in adults with divorced parents, looks at the challenges, and offers helps to overcome this powerful […]