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Have You “Un-remembered” the Wrong Memories from Your Childhood?

After deciding she wanted to deal with the challenges of her parents’ divorce. Lisa Lickona, in her article “The ‘Homelessness’ […]


They Can be Mad and Hurt, but Still Love You

How does that title resonate with you? Agree? Disagree? Not sure? For adults with divorced parents, this statement can mean […]


Faith That Crushes the Fear of Rejection – A Sunday Snippet

John the disciple tells of an incident involving a blind man Jesus heals. It’s an interesting look at the dynamics […]


So It’s Time to Divorce

Marriage is hard, but you never thought it would be this hard. One day the lightbulb goes off. “Now I […]


Overcoming the Fear of Doom

“Part of me is always waiting for disaster to strike. Some terrible loss will change my life, and it only […]


Premarital Sex Increases Likelihood of Divorce, But Why?

Because research shows children of divorce have sex earlier and with more partners, when I read, “Having between one and […]


What’s in a Name?

For people with divorced parents, everything! There’s a lot of talk about 4-letter words, but in the parental-divorce world, two […]


Revolutionary Way to Help Your Kids Survive the Divorce Process

The first week of January is annually the highest divorce filing and inquiry week of the year. 20% of those […]


Putting the Thanks-giving into Thanksgiving (for Your Sanity)

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy” James […]


Getting the Backstory…and healing Part 3: The Pillars of Healing

My father was an adult child of divorce. His father had divorced parents, as did his grandfather. I was well […]


Getting the Backstory…and Healing Part 2: Talking with Our Parents

In Part 1, I reviewed how empathetic listening can help improve conversations and our healing. This type of listening encourages […]


Getting the Backstory…and Healing: Part 1 – Empathetic Listening.

Adults with divorced parents can have lots of unanswered questions. I’ve found ACD are often reluctant to ask them due […]


Five Ways to Supporting Stepfamilies

The first way of supporting stepfamilies is realizing they are complex. The more parties are involved, the more complex. But […]


“I’m Committed That We’re Not Going to Divorce”

I’ve heard this and similar statements frequently—most often from adults with divorced parents. However, while the spouse in counseling with […]


Two Secrets for a Lasting Marriage

It’s no secret that adults with divorced parents have trouble staying married. Many succeed. Many don’t. But past president Jimmy […]


Did you Find the Right Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Card?

Every year 100+ million Mother’s Day cards are sent—72 million for Fathers. For many, it’s a fun and sentimental task. […]


Helping Teens Navigate Parental Divorce

I’m often asked for tools to help someone’s teens deal with their divorce. I just stumbled across a solid resource […]


The Life-Giving Wounds Ministry

Life-Giving Wounds is a ministry that provides workshops, weekend retreats, ACD support groups, and other resources for adults with divorced […]


Visitation Ended but the Loss Continued

Suddenly, I was at the top of the stairs watching my father leave. That scene repeated every time my father […]


Is Happy the Standard for Marriage?

In my world of divorce research a lot of celebrity articles come up….which I ignore. On rare occasion I’ll address […]


Overcoming the Disappointment Gap

The disappointment gap is the distance between our expectation and reality. For example, Covid invaded our home 2 days before […]


Three Steps for ACD to Stop Hating Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time……of the year…….. Is it? Mom insists that you have Christmas dinner in the afternoon—which just […]


What do Husbands Want?

In my last blog I noted that one of the challenges husbands with divorced parents experience in marriage is separating […]


What do Wives Want?

Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychology, lamented, “The great question that has never been answered, and which I have […]


Reflections on my Dad’s Funeral

My father’s memorial service has passed. It was a wonderful time of honoring him and God. He was a Christian, […]


When Divorced Parents Die — Questions

Ten years ago my mother passed. Five years ago my first stepmother passed. Weeks ago my father passed. Due to […]


Are We as Obedient as the Demons? – A Sunday Snippet

I’m reading “A Year with Jesus”1 which includes daily reflections on Jesus’ words, life, and impact. The author reviewed Matthew […]


Gates Puts Gray Divorce Back in the Spotlight

If you haven’t heard, Bill and Melinda Gates are divorcing after 27 years (34 as a couple1). Not familiar with […]


Celebrating our 25th Podcast!

Our 25th podcast is uploaded! This program dealt with helping adults with divorced parents move from being hope-less to hope-full. […]


The Peace of a Million Dollars vs. A Peace-Filled Holiday

You find out that one million dollars is deposited into your account. What would you do? Pay off your debts? […]


“Home Will Never Be the Same Again”—A Gray Divorce Book Review

“There is no ‘them’ anymore.” Heartfelt words spoken by a man whose parents divorced after he’d become an adult. Gray […]


Choose a Better Path Promo Video Cast

One year ago we filmed the promo video for my book, Choose a Better Path: Overcoming the Impact of Your […]


Second Highest Season for Divorce is Here

January is #1 for inquiries and filings, but according to a University of Washington study, August is second.* With Covid, […]


The GIFT in Anger

Unresolved anger is often tops the lists of issues that affect adults with divorced parents. While anger is rarely considered […]


The Loyalty Challenge: Who Do You Love More?

The good news is a growing number of articles and resources are helping parents divorce in ways that minimize the […]


Forgiveness: Scooping up the Poop

Dog walkers in my area carry bags for the poop. Basically, they’re picking up someone’s mess. Granted, there’s some involuntariness […]


Father Hunger and the Search for Manhood

“Father hunger is a deep, persistent desire for emotional connection with the father that is experienced by all children.” I […]


Divorce: A Preventable Pandemic?

If you haven’t heard, divorce is “soaring” in China and Covid is the reported culprit. Most news stories are sourcing […]


New Podcast Series on ACD Issues

A ten-part series of programs that give an overview of common issues that impact adults with divorced parents are now […]


Rodeos, Anger, and Adult Children of Divorce

I’ve attended my first rodeo! For you urbanites and millennials, a rodeo is like an old country fair on steroids. […]


Time for a Seasonal Reboot

One day my phone decided to stay in an update loop. Tech support made valiant efforts to un-loop it, but […]


Gray Divorce and the First Holidays

There are many firsts in life—some good, some forgettable, some not so good. If parental divorce barges through our door […]


Loving Your “Enemies” A Sunday Snippet

Jesus stunned His audience by saying, “You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ […]


Primal Loss Through the Eyes of ACD

If you could ask adult children of divorce questions about the impact of their parents’ divorce, what would you ask? […]


Father Hunger, Premarital Sex, and Divorce

To set the stage for this important topic please answer the following questions: Question #1: Based on the number of sexual […]


Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet

Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet Maybe you had one of those conversations with your mom, dad, or stepparent. […]


Easter, Anger, and Adult Children of Divorce

Though the peeps and bunnies are gone, I keep thinking about a movie I saw Easter Sunday. Normally Charlton Heston […]


Closet Prodigals Who Ran Away From Home

For kids, parental divorce often creates a desire to escape from it. Our brains think, As soon as I’m old […]


The Many Faces of Anger (Part 1)

Years ago, a public service announcement on television warned that high blood pressure was “the silent killer.” For adult children […]


The Cross and Feelings of Unworthiness

Three days have passed since the world celebrated Easter. The eggs and chocolate may be gone, but the cross continues […]