Category: God and the ADP

I Can’t Wait for This Season to be Over!
Countless times I’ve heard people say, “just waiting for Christmas to be done,” “can’t wait for this season to be […]

Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast
Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]

ADP 043 Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast
Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]

They Can be Mad and Hurt, but Still Love You
How does that title resonate with you? Agree? Disagree? Not sure? For adults with divorced parents, this statement can mean […]

ADP 042 Emotional Healing for Those Touched by Abortion: Interview with Stephanie Rienhart
Kent interviews the director of an abortion recovery program. Together they explore the unseen emotional impact of abortion, and share […]

Faith That Crushes the Fear of Rejection – A Sunday Snippet
John the disciple tells of an incident involving a blind man Jesus heals. It’s an interesting look at the dynamics […]

So It’s Time to Divorce
Marriage is hard, but you never thought it would be this hard. One day the lightbulb goes off. “Now I […]

Loving Your “Enemies” A Sunday Snippet
Jesus stunned His audience by saying, “You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ […]

Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet
Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet Maybe you had one of those conversations with your mom, dad, or stepparent. […]

The Cross and Feelings of Unworthiness
Three days have passed since the world celebrated Easter. The eggs and chocolate may be gone, but the cross continues […]