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ACD 004 – ACD's and Anger Pt 2
In this second program on anger and adults with divorce parents, Kent shares tools that can help reduce angry responses.

ACD 003 – ACD's and Anger Pt 1
Kent Darcie and Foster Braun discuss the tendency for adults with divorced parents to struggle with anger issues and what […]

ACD 002 – ACD's Struggle with Trust
Kent Darcie and Foster Braun discuss the difficulty adults with divorced parents have trusting others.

ACD 001 – ACD Issue Overview
Foster Braun and Kent Darcie begin a ten-podcast series that discusses common issues that impact adults with divorced parents. This […]

Rodeos, Anger, and Adult Children of Divorce
I’ve attended my first rodeo! For you urbanites and millennials, a rodeo is like an old country fair on steroids. […]

Time for a Seasonal Reboot
One day my phone decided to stay in an update loop. Tech support made valiant efforts to un-loop it, but […]

Gray Divorce and the First Holidays
There are many firsts in life—some good, some forgettable, some not so good. If parental divorce barges through our door […]

Loving Your “Enemies” A Sunday Snippet
Jesus stunned His audience by saying, “You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ […]

Primal Loss Through the Eyes of ACD
If you could ask adult children of divorce questions about the impact of their parents’ divorce, what would you ask? […]

Father Hunger, Premarital Sex, and Divorce
To set the stage for this important topic please answer the following questions: Question #1: Based on the number of sexual […]

Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet
Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet Maybe you had one of those conversations with your mom, dad, or stepparent. […]

Easter, Anger, and Adult Children of Divorce
Though the peeps and bunnies are gone, I keep thinking about a movie I saw Easter Sunday. Normally Charlton Heston […]

Closet Prodigals Who Ran Away From Home
For kids, parental divorce often creates a desire to escape from it. Our brains think, As soon as I’m old […]

The Many Faces of Anger (Part 1)
Years ago, a public service announcement on television warned that high blood pressure was “the silent killer.” For adult children […]

The Loyalty Challenge
As part of his teaching on anger, Kent Darcie discusses the “loyalty challenge” children and adults with divorced parents can […]

The Cross and Feelings of Unworthiness
Three days have passed since the world celebrated Easter. The eggs and chocolate may be gone, but the cross continues […]