Tag: anger

ADP 046 Finding Thanks-giving in the Hurts
Kent Darcie shares some of his story to help other adults with divorced parents find the thanks-giving blessings in their […]

Have You “Un-remembered” the Wrong Memories from Your Childhood?
After deciding she wanted to deal with the challenges of her parents’ divorce. Lisa Lickona, in her article “The ‘Homelessness’ […]

How Does Parental Divorce Affect Us?
Paul Banas from GreatDad.com interviews Kent Darcie on how our parents’ divorce can impact us after we’re grown and how […]

ADP 044 How Does Parental Divorce Affect Us?
Paul Banas from GreatDad.com interviews Kent on how our parents’ divorce can impact us after we’re grown and how to […]

Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast
Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]

ADP 043 Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast
Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]

ADP 042 Emotional Healing for Those Touched by Abortion: Interview with Stephanie Rienhart
Kent interviews the director of an abortion recovery program. Together they explore the unseen emotional impact of abortion, and share […]

Importance of Reviewing Boundaries
Did your Boundary work? In the last of this boundary series, Kent Darcie discusses the importance of reviewing the effectiveness […]

Enforcing Boundaries with Divorced Parents
Enforcing boundaries can be hard. Kent discusses how to approach this challenge in the 5th on this series on boundaries.

Creating a Boundary
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses the basics for creating a boundary. Part 3 in this series on Holiday Boundaries […]

ADP 036 Navigating Holidays with Divorced Parents-Interview
Holidays can feel like they’re more hassle than they’re worth, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Leslie Nunnery […]

How to Stop Having Crazy Holidays
It’s possible to enjoy holidays when divorced parents are in the mix. Therapist and author Kent Darcie shares how boundaries […]

ADP 035 Holiday Boundaries with Divorced Parents
Kent discusses what boundaries are, why they may be needed with divorced parents, and ways to apply them.

It’s Ok NOT to be OK!
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses how parental divorce can create situations that mess with our brains. The problem is […]

One Reason Adults with Divorced Parents Keep Secrets
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses how children of divorce’s need to keep secrets in childhood can lead to keeping […]

The Anger Monster
Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses the importance of addressing anger in adults with divorced parents