Category: Holiday & Events Help

Heidi St. John Interviews Kent Darcie: It’s Okay to Not Be Okay – a look at holidays and other events.
Kent and Heidi St John explore some of the challenges holidays and other events can create for adults with divorced […]

I Can’t Wait for This Season to be Over!
Countless times I’ve heard people say, “just waiting for Christmas to be done,” “can’t wait for this season to be […]

ADP 046 Finding Thanks-giving in the Hurts
Kent Darcie shares some of his story to help other adults with divorced parents find the thanks-giving blessings in their […]

ADP 039 Overcoming Struggles with Mother’s Day Cards
Mother’s Day can be challenging for adults with divorced parents. In this podcast Kent looks at tough questions like, “what […]

Importance of Reviewing Boundaries
Did your Boundary work? In the last of this boundary series, Kent Darcie discusses the importance of reviewing the effectiveness […]

ADP 037 Why is Christmas important?
Paul Harvey: A Christmas Story Kent shares a classic Paul Harvey story that illustrates in very simple terms why the […]

ADP 036 Navigating Holidays with Divorced Parents-Interview
Holidays can feel like they’re more hassle than they’re worth, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Leslie Nunnery […]

How to Stop Having Crazy Holidays
It’s possible to enjoy holidays when divorced parents are in the mix. Therapist and author Kent Darcie shares how boundaries […]

ADP 035 Holiday Boundaries with Divorced Parents
Kent discusses what boundaries are, why they may be needed with divorced parents, and ways to apply them.

Putting the Thanks-giving into Thanksgiving (for Your Sanity)
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy” James […]

The Peace of a Million Dollars vs. A Peace-Filled Holiday
You find out that one million dollars is deposited into your account. What would you do? Pay off your debts? […]

ACD 001 – ACD Issue Overview
Foster Braun and Kent Darcie begin a ten-podcast series that discusses common issues that impact adults with divorced parents. This […]

Time for a Seasonal Reboot
One day my phone decided to stay in an update loop. Tech support made valiant efforts to un-loop it, but […]

Gray Divorce and the First Holidays
There are many firsts in life—some good, some forgettable, some not so good. If parental divorce barges through our door […]

Easter, Anger, and Adult Children of Divorce
Though the peeps and bunnies are gone, I keep thinking about a movie I saw Easter Sunday. Normally Charlton Heston […]

The Cross and Feelings of Unworthiness
Three days have passed since the world celebrated Easter. The eggs and chocolate may be gone, but the cross continues […]