Category: God and the ADP


Faith That Crushes the Fear of Rejection – A Sunday Snippet

John the disciple tells of an incident involving a blind man Jesus heals. It’s an interesting look at the dynamics […]


So It’s Time to Divorce

Marriage is hard, but you never thought it would be this hard. One day the lightbulb goes off. “Now I […]


Loving Your “Enemies” A Sunday Snippet

Jesus stunned His audience by saying, “You have heard it said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ […]


Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet

Nuzzling in God’s Neck – A Sunday Snippet Maybe you had one of those conversations with your mom, dad, or stepparent. […]


The Cross and Feelings of Unworthiness

Three days have passed since the world celebrated Easter. The eggs and chocolate may be gone, but the cross continues […]