Category: Divorced Parents


ADP 045 Are Situationships Good for Women?

Kent discusses the latest relationship craze and it’s implications for adults with divorced parents.


How Does Parental Divorce Affect Us?

Paul Banas from interviews Kent Darcie on how our parents’ divorce can impact us after we’re grown and how […]


Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast

Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]


ADP 043 Kent Interview on Heidi St. John Podcast

Kent is interviewed on the nationally recognized Heidi St. John podcast discussing the various ways parental divorce can impact the […]


ADP 041 Kent Interviews Journalist Kate Spicer. A Look at Parental Divorce from the Inside

Kent interviews internationally recognized, Kate Spicer, regarding her article “I’m Unmarried and Childless at 54.” The lively and frank discussion […]


ADP 038 How Divorce Can Affect Daughters

Kent reviews Kate Spicer article and supporting research on how Father Hunger can affect daughters and how to overcome the […]


ADP 036 Navigating Holidays with Divorced Parents-Interview

Holidays can feel like they’re more hassle than they’re worth, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Leslie Nunnery […]


How to Stop Having Crazy Holidays

It’s possible to enjoy holidays when divorced parents are in the mix. Therapist and author Kent Darcie shares how boundaries […]


Holiday Boundaries with Divorced Parents – Overview

We don’t have to hate the holidays!


ADP 035 Holiday Boundaries with Divorced Parents

Kent discusses what boundaries are, why they may be needed with divorced parents, and ways to apply them. 


It’s Ok NOT to be OK!

Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses how parental divorce can create situations that mess with our brains. The problem is […]


One Reason Adults with Divorced Parents Keep Secrets

Counselor and author Kent Darcie discusses how children of divorce’s need to keep secrets in childhood can lead to keeping […]


Getting the Backstory…and Healing Part 2: Talking with Our Parents

In Part 1, I reviewed how empathetic listening can help improve conversations and our healing. This type of listening encourages […]


When Divorced Parents Die — Questions

Ten years ago my mother passed. Five years ago my first stepmother passed. Weeks ago my father passed. Due to […]